Code | Lash Inc
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Code of Conduct

All Lash Inc Verified Individuals & Accredited Academies must

abide to this code of ethics. Should you not agree, we will not be

able to take your application further.

I will never perform any treatments, services or training without adequate

professional liability insurance.

I will never perform any treatments or training without training or


I will uphold the highest personal and professional standards of conduct as a lash professional.

I will provide a safe and sanitary environment for my clients or students.

I will never subject my clients, students or students’ clients to unnecessary risk.

I will never make false claims regarding my products or services.

I make a commitment to keep myself informed of any changes to

legislation that affect my business and my services and make any

necessary changed to be compliant.

I will only, use products with government approved ingredients. If my

company is within the EU, I will abide by the EU Cosmetic Legislation and

only used approved products.

I will continue to improve my skills by taking regular courses, online

courses, having active subscriptions or attending conferences.
A minimum of 5 hours per year for a lash artist and 12 hours per year for an educator.

By applying to be a verified lash artist or accredited academy you confirm you accept this code.

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