As lash artists, our clients' safety is of utmost importance. While we already take precautions to address concerns like allergies to lash glue, it's crucial to consider other health and safety factors. One common question that arises is whether lash extensions are safe during pregnancy. This blog aims to provide valuable insights and tips for lash technicians, ensuring that they have the necessary knowledge to support their pregnant clients effectively.
Understanding the Risks: As with many things during pregnancy, there is some degree of risk associated with getting lash extensions. Expectant mothers are bombarded with a plethora of dos and don'ts, but the guidelines for lash extensions are not as clear-cut. While there is currently limited research on how lash glue may affect a baby, it's essential to have an open conversation with pregnant clients, explaining the uncertainties and potential risks involved.
Minimizing Risks: Fortunately, there are steps lash technicians can take to minimize potential risks and create a safer environment for pregnant clients. These precautions include:
Ensuring the treatment room is well-ventilated
Requesting clients to wear face coverings/masks during their appointment
Using a mini lash fan to dissipate fumes during and after the treatment
Applying a glue sealant at the end of the session

Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions are a concern for both lash artists and pregnant clients. Since certain medications are not recommended during pregnancy, the risk of an allergic reaction can be heightened. It's important to inform clients that even if they have previously had extensions without any issues, the body's response to allergens can change during pregnancy. While nothing is guaranteed, having an open line of communication and discussing potential allergy management options is crucial.
Considering Client Comfort: One aspect often overlooked is the positioning of pregnant clients during the lash application process. Lying flat on their backs after the 20-week mark is generally advised against. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, continuing with the standard lash application process is typically safe. As the pregnancy progresses, lash technicians can take the following steps to ensure client comfort and safety:
Adjust the lash bed to an incline position
Provide a pillow for leg support and added comfort
Allow short breaks during the application process for clients to stretch or sit upright
The Importance of Informed Decisions: While it's impossible to give a definitive "yes" or "no" answer regarding the safety of lash extensions during pregnancy, it is crucial to educate clients about the associated risks. By providing clear information and discussing all aspects openly, clients can make informed decisions that align with their comfort levels and preferences.
Conclusion: While lash extensions themselves are unlikely to cause harm during pregnancy, it's essential for lash technicians to be aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions. By maintaining open communication, minimizing risks, and ensuring client comfort, lash technicians can support pregnant clients effectively. Ultimately, empowering clients to make informed decisions leads to a positive and safe lash extension experience during pregnancy.