Lash Inc - Lash Artist of the Year
These are the categories for the Lash Inc - Lash Artist of the Year 2019
Classic Lashes
2D-3D Volume Lashes
Mega Volume Lashes
Male Lashes
Colour Creation (Creative use of colour lashes)
Fantasy/Lash Art (Theme – The Seasons) Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.
Lash Lift
Important Note:
When you pay your entry fee you will need to select the Level you are entering, see below. You will not need to choose the Category until you receive your registration form by email.
Juniors - up to 1 year of experience
Masters - between 1- 3 years of experience
Grand Masters - over 3 years of experience or an educator
Competition Winner - Any first place in a professional in person or online lash competition.
Important Note:
Please make sure you choose the correct Level of Experience as you can not switch once payment has been made. If you are in the wrong category you would be removed from that category.
Click Below to pay your fee to Enter:
What happens after I pay my entry fee?
You will receive an email with a form to register, please fill out the form carefully.
Submit this along with your photos and word document of any notes to your shared dropbox folder that you will be allocated.
If you have any questions after you receive your registration form, instructions and shared folder access then please let us know info@lashinc.eu
1. Only high quality HD (High Definition) pictures will be accepted, 2000px x 2000px minimum
(If you set your phone camera on HD or your camera this will be high enough).
2. No retouching of eyelashes, watermarks, company logo, backgrounds, excessive filtering or similar altering will be disqualified.
3. Previous entries to other contests are permitted, however marks are added for uniqueness of design. Therefore in the Lash Art category you would be marked higher in this criteria if your entries have not been seen elsewhere before.
4. Please send maximum of 8 photos, minimum of 4 photos. One of these photos should be a before photo of your clients lashes. (Please upload a word document or notepad document describing your work. Thickness, curl, length of lashes used)
x1 before with eyes closed from behind of the model head and eye patches applied to see a condition of natural lashes
x1 before with eyes open from the front while model seat to see the shape and the whole face
X1 after with eyes closed from behind of the model head without eye patches
X1 after with eyes open looking straight photo of the whole face to see the symmetry of eyelashes and shape choose to the model face
X1 after of each eye with model looking up
X1 after from the side to see the curl of eyelash extensions and the lift for lash lift
X2 (Optional) Additional photos to show your work at it’s best.
5. Participant can enter in one or multiple categories.
6. Registration fee for each category is £60
7. Participant can register and pay the entry fee at www.lashinc.eu
8. Pictures and a registration form to be submitted by Lash Inc Issuing you with a shared dropbox to upload your work to.
9. Please add a word pad document or word document with your name, email, category and level you are entering. This should be uploaded with your photos.
Team work is allowed but lashes must be done entirely by the lash artist.
Credits should be listed to MUA, Hair Stylist etc…
2. You are expected to use decoration on the eyelashes, face and clothing. Use as many hand made decoration / accessories as you can. List everything you made yourself and take some photos showing the process of making a section of these accessories.
3. Judges will be looking at the :
Overall look
Your creativity of your application ( colour, lash decoration, bottom lashes etc ) Connection of Lash work to other decorations on the face / hair.
Model's face and body makeup / body painting, costume, accessories, smooth transition from eyelash decoration to face/headpiece/ hair etc.
4. Max. of 10 pictures per one entry allowed in high resolution (HD) 2000px x 2000px minimum, include a
X1 Before picture of clients lashes
X1 Full body before picture
X1 Picture with clear image showing lash decoration
X2 The whole model with a costume or body painting, show from 2 different angles.
X5 (optional) Extra photos allowed to show off your work.
5. Fantasy/ lash art pictures can be slightly retouched (skin smoothing). But strictly no retouching of the eyelashes. Any retouching of the eyelashes will result in disqualification.
6. Pictures with watermark, company logo, backgrounds or any identifying mark are not allowed.
7. Previous entries to other contests are permitted, however marks are added for uniqueness of design. Therefore in the Lash Art category you would be marked higher in this criteria if your entries have not been seen elsewhere before.
1. Only high quality HD (High Definition) pictures will be accepted, 2000px x 2000px minimum
(If you set your phone camera on HD or your camera this will be high enough).
2. No retouching of eyelashes, watermarks, company logo, backgrounds, excessive filtering or similar altering will be disqualified.
3. Previous entries to other contests are permitted.
4. Please send maximum of 8 photos, minimum of 4 photos. One of these photos should be a before photo of your clients lashes.
x1 before with eyes closed from behind of the model head and eye patches applied to see a condition of natural lashes
x1 before with eyes open from the front while model seat to see the shape and the whole face
X1 after with eyes closed from behind of the model head without eye patches
X1 after with eyes open looking straight photo.
X1 after of each eye with model looking up
X1 after from the side to see the curl / lift for lash lift
X2 (Optional) Additional photos to show your work at it’s best.
5. Participant can enter in one or multiple categories.
6. Registration fee for each category is £60 or $75 USD.
7. Participant can register and pay the entry fee at www.lashinc.eu
8. Pictures and a registration form to be submitted by Lash Inc Issuing you with a shared dropbox to upload your work to.
9. Please add a word pad document or word document with your name, email, category and level you are entering. This should be uploaded with your photos.
Directions - lashes should not criss-cross each other, they should lean in the correct direction and sit exactly on top of the natural lash.
Coverage – we are looking for complete full sets, 100% of lashes should be covered (including inner and outer corners) this will show up in your photos, if we can see missing lashes you will lose points.
General Impression - style, length and curl should complement model's face shape and bone structure, lashes on both eyes should look even.
Adhesion - no lashes should be or look stuck together.
Clean Work - no glue excess should appear on the lashes.
Length - extensions length should be suitable for model's natural lashes.
Thickness/Weight - lash extensions thickness/ volume of lashes in a fan should be suitable for model's natural lashes please use the Volumetric Calculator ™ to determine the correct lash thickness to use on your model.
For Classic Look, you can use eyelashes of a maximum 0.15mm thickness.
Distance - from the eyelid should be the same for all extensions through the lash line. Recommended distance 0.5mm-0.6mm (classic extensions).
Smooth transition – an invisible transition required through the lash line with no ``steps``. Effect (chosen design is suitable for model’s eye shape, face and hair colour)
Directions - lashes should not criss-cross each other, they should lean in the correct direction and sit exactly on top of the natural lash.
Coverage – we are looking for complete full sets, 100% of lashes should be covered (including inner and outer corners) this will show up in your photos, if we can see missing lashes you will lose points.
General Impression - style, length and curl should complement your model's face shape and bone structure, lashes on both eyes should look even.
Adhesion - no lashes should be or look stuck together.
Clean Work - no glue excess should appear on the lashes.
Length - extensions length should be suitable for your model's natural lashes
Thickness/Weight - lash extensions thickness/ volume of lashes in a fan should be suitable for model's natural lashes please use the app Volumetric Calculator ™ available on the App store to determine the correct lash thickness to use on your model if you are unsure.
Use the correct diameter for your models’ natural lashes- check the volumetric calculator on the Apple App store and Android store.
Distance - from the eyelid should be the same for all extensions through the lash line. Recommended distance 0.3mm-0.5mm (volume extensions).
Spread Span of the Fan - only for volume nominations. Lashes should be fanned in the correct way, the distance between each extension of the fan must be even.
Thickness of extensions chosen has to be suitable for the model’s natural lashes
We are looking for a great set of natural looking lashes suitable for males. This can be either classic or volume.
Directions - lashes should not criss-cross each other, they should lean in the correct direction and sit exactly on top of the natural lash.
Coverage – we are looking for complete full sets, 100% of lashes should be covered (including inner and outer corners) this will show up in your photos, if we can see missing lashes you will lose points.
General Impression - style, length and curl should complement your male model's face shape and bone structure, lashes on both eyes should look even.
Adhesion - no lashes should be or look stuck together.
Clean Work - no glue excess should appear on the lashes.
Length - extensions length should be suitable for your male model's natural lashes.
Thickness/Weight - lash extensions thickness/ volume of lashes in a fan should be suitable for model's natural lashes please use the Volumetric Calculator ™ to determine the correct lash thickness to use on your model.
For Classic Look, you can use eyelashes of a maximum 0.15mm thickness.
For 2D Volume you can use eyelashes of a maximum 0.07mm thickness.
For 3D-6D Mixed volume you can use:
0.05mm 0.06mm, 0.04mm,0.03mm please use the correct diameter for your models natural lashes- check the volumetric calculator.
8: Distance - from the eyelid should be the same for all extensions through the lash line. Recommended distance 0.5mm-0.6mm (classic extensions), 0.3mm-0.5mm (volume extensions (maximum score is 5 points);
9: Effect (chosen design is suitable for model’s eye shape, face and hair colour) (maximum score is 5 points)
10:Spread Span of the Fan - only for volume nominations. Lashes should be fanned in the correct way, the distance between each extension of the fan must be even. Thickness of extensions chosen has to be suitable for the model’s natural lashes.
Terms & Conditions
No refunds of competition fees are given. Competition entrance fees are non-refundable.
Once a competitor has registered they cannot make any changes
All photos must be your own original work
By entering you are agreeing that for all photos sent to us for the competition you are giving a non-exclusive user licence for the organiser, to be used by the organiser in whatever fashion deemed appropriate by the organiser without compensation to the competitors. All photos sent will automatically allow us to use for any advertising, magazine publication, app publication or social media use without any prior consent from the entrant.
Lash Inc are not responsible for any errors or omissions in your entry, or for any consequences that arise due to this.
After registration, you will be sent a confirmation email and registration form with instructions within 24 hours. If you do not receive this please contact info@lashinc.eu